What's Happening


Prayer is indeed the power source by which we operate. We are believing now more than ever we need to circle our church body in prayer. We are challenging prayer warriors to come in and pray for the service they attend.

If you attend the 8:15am service, show up at 7:45am.

If you attend the 9:30am service, show up at 9:00am.

If you attend the 11:00am service, show up at 10:30am.

We will meet in modular one to gather together to pray:

  • For those who will attend
  • For any new visitors who may come in
  • For the posture of the hearts in the seats and those watching online
  • And for God's word to have impact on all who hear it.

February is Foster Care Awareness Month at Genesis Church. All month long we will be sharing information about foster advocacy, praying for families and workers in the industry, and collecting gift cards to help families who foster meet basic needs.

We would like to invite all of you to learn more at our Families First Interest Meeting being held February 23rd during the 11am service in modular one. Register below and thank you for helping us help those who serve together!

This month we are preparing a simple, but favorite dish for the hungry and homeless at Straight Street: Pepperoni Pasta Salad! Click below for menu details and registration and join us to love on the least of these in our city on February 11th from 5p-7p. See you there!

As a church, we serve at Straight Street every second Tuesday of the month. Join our email list by completing the contact form below and we will let you know all the details for each event.